Monday, August 2, 2010

Reality bites

Just so you know what I am up to...I will be spending the next 7 days soaking up this sweet face. 

Because in exactly one week I have to go back to work.  Back to reality.  I am going to do my best not to dwell on the inevitable.  I do enjoy my job and am eager to resume a more typical schedule but I just can't resist this face.  I can't believe how quickly time has gone and how much my little man has grown and changed.  Parker is 7 weeks old and so much fun, he has started smiling and grinning and he has even found his voice!  I just can't help kissing those chunky little cheeks...


Brittany said...

awww, such a cutie!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

awe, so sweet and cute!

Monogramchick said...

i can't wait to get a hold of those cheeks again tomorrow!!

Madison Sanders said...

He has those pinchable cheeks. :) So cute!