Monday, June 14, 2010

Today's The Day!

Hey y'all this is (soon-to-be) Auntie Monogram Chick, and I have a Parker update!
Kiki went to the hospital last night and settled into her home away from home (LBD 3).  As Kiki snuggled into her super fancy hospital bed Coco settled in next to her on what looked to me (via g-chat) like a rack of terror.  According to the updates, I don't think either of them slept too well.
As of this morning, the pitocin was flowing and she was progressing well.  Well enough that Kiki talked them into an epidural.  She is now resting well.
The Dr. checked in around lunch time and the best estimates are that pushing will commence around 4:00 this afternoon.
As I know more, I will post and as soon as pictures are available I'll post them too.  Right now Kiki is anti-camera and not allowing photography of her laboring self.  Can't say I blame her.  But this post would be way better with pics....I'mjustsayin.

Coco snapped a pic of soon-to-be Grandparentals with Kiki.  She approved the photo for blog consumption.  Speaking of consumption, Coco informed me he was snacking on cinnamon teddy grahams and Kiki was drooling over them as she smacked her gum.  Poor Kiki.


Just talked with Kiki.  She is super composed for a chick that'll be birthin' a baby and minute now.  The surgical team is setting up.  Crowning is close and he is ready to make his debut!

Kiki with Coco's mama...another soon-to-be Grandparental as they await Parker's debut.


Imjustagirl said...

So excitting!! Here is to an easy delivery and happy and healthy mama and baby to follow!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I can't wait to see photos!