Monday, June 28, 2010

Since Kiki is Otherwise Engaged.....

Kiki has her hands full these days.  I guess I'll give her a break this time.....I posted this on my blog today and thought I'd ask her readers for help.

This little muchkin melts my heart.  This is Parker, "Master P", my newbie nephew.  He is 2 weeks old today and is absolutely Preshy Presherson.  I cannot wait to get my hands on him again and nuzzle his sweet little face.

Now that I'm an auntie to Kiki's bebe, I need a name.  I need an auntie name for Master P to know me by.  My question for y'all, my darling chickadees is what name to you call your aunts?  I don't want to be Aunt Sarah....I want something else, something better. I've got one name in mind, but I'm not wholeheartedly committed to it and need your help.  Pretty please?  Many Thanks, Monogram Chick


The Spann's said...

Please let me know of any of your rejects - my current aunt name is Aunt Ash which I think sounds trailer parkish - so I may steal one of yours! :) My sis is "Aunty Em" b/c her name is Emily. I have heard "ya-ya" and I like that, you could go w/ "Chicky" or "MC" is'll be thinking.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Awe, what a precious little baby!

Keri said...

Ok, I don't have any specific suggestions right now, but I will put my thinking cap on and see what I can come up with.
Just wait until Parker starts talking and see what he wants to call Aunt never know how that will come out of a mouth of a wee little one.
Beautiful baby by the way!

Madison Sanders said...

He is beautiful! I'll be thinking of some names.