Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday at my house

I just thought I would give you a little sneak peak into Saturday at my house. Coco couldn't be happier. His favorite team is only on ESPN 360 today so below is his way to watch the game on TV. He is oh so proud of himself and I have to admit, I am impressed Needless to say my computer is otherwise occupied today. Back to blogging tomorrow - I promise!

What am I doing in between plays? Well, it involves the following ingredients. Yummy!

Oh, and sorry for the poor picture quality - I am blogging from my work PC and it just doesn't compare to our Mac! {And I must take this opportunity to give all the credit to Coco for our Mac purchase over a year ago - I resisted. Okay, okay I downright refused - what can I say I am an Accountant? I am glad he forced helped me to see the light. We will never go back!}

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