We've made a few changes at the house in the last few months and found the need to repurpose some of our furniture. I have mentioned many times that we live in an itty bitty house so there are not too many places we can fit in new furniture without getting rid of or repurposing something old. I was determined to keep this armoire and convert it to our "office", but faced a challenge of what to do with the gaping hole in the back (long story - let's just say that once upon a time this baby housed a HUGE TV and desperate times called for desperate measures). After a quick trip to Hobby Lobby and Hancock Fabrics I came home with some mounting board, thumb tacks and fabric (found in the remnant section). I collected some accessories from Ikea and Target and MC shared her mad vinyl skills to "pimp" our home office. I am not done with the organization or inspiration, but I am thrilled with the look and functionality so far!
Excuse the golf clubs - they maintain an indoor place of honor when not in use. :)
We love our wireless printer - we survived for years without a printer at all and now I don't know what I would do without it!
Anyone have any creative places for their own home office?
It looks great! I have a major obsession with black furniture. Weird, I know.
This looks awesome!! You did a great job! Where did you get your decals?!
It's fantastic! I LOVE the Live/Serve/Love/Speak/Pray...where can I find one??
Rachel and Plaid Chaos - I got the vinyl decals from my sister, the Monogramchick. You can find her at www.monogramchick.com - send her an email about the vinyl decals!
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