Yes, we have returned back from the BIG CITY (as us southerns say) with shopping bags full and wallets empty. This post is for all the husbands who accompany their better halves to the city. The sis-in-law, MC & Wifey (aka Kiki) have informed me of a wonderful new slogan I learned from being in NYC. "There's no price that's too high for a wonderful pair of shoes." I came to this resolution very abruptly in NYC as Kiki and I were directed to a designer shoe outlet in the city by one of my mother's close friends. There are several things the wifey is addicted to: purses, DC's, and shoes to name a few. I knew immediately that I was going to be in trouble as we entered the place. I've attached the pic below for your reference...

As you can see, my immediate thoughts were CRAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! Talk about a fish in a barrel moment. Each box contained a different pair of designer shoes. The store was no bigger than 15x20, yet it contained 3x's the normal amount of any average DSW. Within 5 minutes, Kiki had sighted 7 pairs worth trying on. I felt like I was part of the paparazzi as I was taking pictures and forwarding them to MC and her mother for instant approval. It was unbelievable to watch the people in the shop work, yelling out European shoe size conversions for Kiki (why can't they just use our size system? I mean really, why is everything so complicated over there). Need I say as they were doing this, they were hanging from a ladder throwing shoe after shoe down to her to try on. As any good husband would do at this point, I sat back smiled and most importantly kept quiet. It never ceases to amaze me how women try on shoes. Anyone ever been to a Target at the end of the day and cruised through the shoe section? If not, I suggest you do because you will enjoy the aftermath. It's quite amusing to see how they're ravaged over at the end of the day. We've often times been there close to closing time and Target calls the ENTIRE store in to rearrange the dept for the following day. Needless to say, we were almost getting to that point at the designer shoe place. I will say one thing about my Wifey that I'm proud of, it's her practicality. After she had all the pairs in front of her, she started narrowing it down to the most sensible choices. I commend her for doing so (Lucy does need new food this weekend). In the end, she we settled on 3 pairs. I've pictured them below. They are so SHISHE aren't they? In the end, I'm thrilled that we got to go away together for the first time in a while. It's always a blast to get to go on a trip with your best friend who happens to be your wife. To that I say I am looking forward to many more trips with ya, your hubby....
I love the stash, splayed out on the hotel's bed! Great work, Coco! You should blog more often :)
Glad you had fun!
Cute shoes! I'm loving it!! I would totally drag my husband around to look at shoes too except he probably wouldn't be quite so patient.
Coco you are AMAZING!!!!! The perfect balance to Kiki. Please forgive me for creating the shoe and handbag monster that is our darling Kiki. Love you, M
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